LIVING SEXY IS... Being Clear About What You Want From Life
Though human nature kicks in and I suddenly want to compare this woman’s beauty to a household name celebrity like Anne Hathaway, this woman truly carries her own beauty as an unstoppable individual.
Laura Maurer, co-founder of Flora Nuit, walks with poise, class and grace, demanding attention and bringing a sense of calmness to any room she walks into. It's no surprise that her company, Flora Nuit, celebrates women's beauty through the ultimate feminine experience - private lingerie shopping events.
Sassy lingerie, girlfriends, bubbly and music - what more can you ask for?! Oh yeah, add to that the comfort of your own home. The experience Laura creates is a truly unique one that allows women to feel comfortable and sexy in lingerie. But what sets it apart from similar events is that it creates an air of unconditional support among women. It's beautiful to witness women lifting each other up. And to have that happen while wearing skivvies is even more powerful!
It suddenly becomes less about what we're wearing and more about how we feel wearing it. Laura's goal is for women to feel great about themselves, regardless of their relationship status.
Don’t stop yourself from buying something that makes you feel awesome just because you don’t have a
significant other who will see it.
Amen to that. So many of us forget that it's just as important to make ourselves happy as it is to make the people we love happy. Only when we come from a place of self-love and self-confidence can we offer that to the world.
After going through an ego-shattering experience, Laura picked herself back up by re-assessing what was important to her and what she wanted to ultimately get out of life. Cue in the birth of Flora Nuit.
If you have a few minutes to look through the pictures and video, you'll see that Laura carries herself with the confidence of a woman who's exactly where she needs to be, doing exactly what she's meant to be doing. I'm blessed to capture a glimpse of Laura's beauty and can only hope we all continue to asses what's important to us so we can always put our best [and most confident] foot forward.
With love,
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Featured: Laura Maurer from FloraNuit