It's become a tradition (if two years in a row counts as a tradition) that I opt to travel during Thanksgiving instead of doing the whole stuffing-my-face-with-family thing. Last year, I was lucky enough to go on a 10-day roadtrip through Northern California + the Southwest the week of Thanksgiving. It was beyond magical and I'm already yearning for more of that terrain. This year, however, I had Europe on my mind. Living in New York and having a pretty flexible schedule allows for a fresh batch of spontaneity to infuse my destinations options. Between 2009 and now, I've visited 15 countries in the EU, but I had yet to venture to the westernmost one: Portugal! I'm just now realizing the repeated theme of "traveling west" that both trips have in common, despite actually traveling east to make this one happen. ANYWAY, you may have seen a couple photos I posted on social media of my trip, but in case you didn't, here are some more.

Lots of love,



Black and Whites for the Win!


New Boudoir Work at the Swanky and Cozy Boro Hotel